Bible Studies

Redeemer offers a variety of resources for in-depth Bible Study. We meet every Sunday at 11:00 AM for group Bible Study after the worship service. Everyone is invited. We also meet on Wednesday mornings at 11:00 AM for mid-week Bible Study. You can attend the mid-week sessions in person or online via "Zoom".  Our pastor also offers individual adult Bible Information Classes and young adult confirmation classes. In addition, below are links to online documents and podcasts containing Bible Studies for self-study, or for home and family study.

A God-Lived Life

Apocalyptic Imagery

Bible Covenants

Book of Concord

Building Home Bible Study

Called to Serve - The Divine Call

Catechism Class - Sample Models

Chosen By God: Teaching the Doctrine of Election to Encourage Our People in Outreach

Compassion Ministry Bible Studies

Devoted - Bible Study on Scouting and Fellowship

Discipleship - Lutheran Small Groups

Evangelical Heritage Version Bible Translation

Evangelism - One By One

                       - To the Ends of the Earth

God's People Gather

Helping the Hurting with Hope

Holy Communion (Parts 1&2)  (Parts 3&4)

How to Study Your Bible

Male and Female He Created Them

Marriage - A Study of Marriage, in the Light of God's Word

                  - Marriage Keys

                  - Marriage Maintenance

Ministering to Millennials

Old Testament Festivals - Spring Festivals - Symbols of Christ's First Coming

                                                - Fall Festivals - The Fulfillment of Christ's Work

Old Testament Shadows of New Testament Realities

Prison Ministry Awareness

Recovery Friendly Churches

S.O.A.P Study - A Simple Way to Study the Bible (Scripture / Observation / Application / Prayer)

Standing Up for Children - A Christian Response to Child Abuse and Neglect

Stewardship - 10 for 10 Stewardship Program

The AntiChrist

The Holy Spirit and His Gifts

The Principles and Practice of Prayer

The Real Presence of Christ's Body and Blood in the Lord's Supper

The Ten Words, Exodus 20:1-17

Types of Christ

Welcoming the Struggling

Worship Absence - Addressing Delinquency

Youth Bible Study - Focused Living in Christ

                                      - Who Am I?

                                      - Youth Ministry Made Simple

Bible Questions

Forward in Christ - Every Day With Galatians

Forward in Christ - Live Online Bible Study ( When Politics Drives You Crazy / What If It's True? )

Impact Bible Study Podcast

Lutheran Science Institute - Evolution - A Christian Response

Martin Luther College - Speaker's Bureau Bible Studies

Northwestern Publishing House - Bible Studies

Through My Bible (Read or Listen to the Bible in Three Years)

Time of Grace - Bible 101 / Bible Breath / Bible Threads / Tough Questions / Answering Skeptics

Time of Grace Blog ( Bible 101 / Depression & Anxiety / Friends & Family / Living My Faith / Life's Challenges / Taboo / Who Is God? )

WELS Congregational Services - Bible Studies

WELS Doctrinal Statements ( Church Fellowship / Church and Ministry / Man and Woman Roles / Abortion / Scripture / Antichrist /

                                                         Lord's Supper / Homosexuality )

WELS Women's Ministry Bible Studies ( Books of the Bible / Topical Studies / Bible Sisters / Time - It's a Gift / Bible Study Resources /

                                                                             Spanish Bible Studies )

What About Jesus? - Study the Bible

Bible Doctrinal Briefs and Exegeses

1 Corinthians 7:10-16 and Malicious Desertion - An Exegetical and Practical Study

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God - The Song of Martin Luther

Apologetics - An Introduction to and Defense of Apologetics

                         - Apologetics in a Postmodern World

                         - Disclosing the Hidden God

Baptism:  Baptist and Lutheran Teachings Compared

Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion

Body, Soul and Spirit

Brotherly Admonition

Buddhism - Background, Life of Buddha, Teachings

                      - The Buddhist Scriptures Compared with the Bible

Conversion - The Doctrine of Conversion

                        - Free Will and Conversion

Could Jesus Have Sinned?

Christian Freedom: The Struggle to Remain Free

Christ's Descent Into Hell

Deborah: A Woman of Influence

Development of our Lutheran Confessions

Doctrinal Challenges Facing Lutheranism in the 21st Century

Ecumenicism - The Ecumenical Movement with Special Emphasis on the Lutheran-Catholic Dialog on Justification


Elijah, an Old Testament Preacher

Evolution and Genesis

Family Devotions - The Proper Use of Scripture

Fellowship - Agreement in Doctrine and Practice

                      - The Blessings of Fellowship

                      - The Doctrine of Fellowship and the Cost of Discipleship

                      - Evaluation of "The Nature and Implications of the Concept of Fellowship"

                      - Exceptions to Our Regular Fellowship Practices

                      - The Guiding Principles for the Doctrine of Fellowship

                      - Joint Prayer                

                      - Levels of Fellowship - Scriptural Principles or Rules of Men?

Forms of Ministry

Fundamentalism (Evangelical Lutheranism and Today's Evangelicals and Fundamentalists)

Glossolalia - Is Speaking in Tongues a Gift of the Spirit for the Church of All Times?

Hinduism and the Bible

Home Schools

Humanism, Its Origin, Nature, and Menacing Impact

Human Sexuality, Personhood, Identity, and the Historic Christian Faith

Is Homosexuality a Sin?

Is Love an Action or an Emotion?

Is School Choice the Right Choice for WELS Schools?

Islam - The Menace of Islam: Its Theology and Practice

            - The Muslim Qur'an Compared With The Christian Scriptures

            - The Religion of Submitting to Allah

Judaism - An Overview of its Doctrinal Development

                 - A Look at Rabbinic Judaism

                 - Its Theology and Practice (Foundations)  (Daily Life)  (Worship)  (Epilog)

Justification - Objective (Universal/General) Justification

                         - Subjective (Individual/Personal) Justification

                         - Review of Common Confession Article VI - Justification

                         - The Doctrine of Justification in Light of Present Problems

Keeping Teenagers Connected to Christ and His Church

Male and Female in God's World

Mormonism - Distinguishing Between Mormon Terminology and Biblical Terminology

                        - Its Idolatry and Idiosyncrasies

                        - The Mormons: A Doctrinal Overview

Muehlhaeuser, Founding Father of the Wisconsin Synod

Near-Death Experiences

Ninety-Five Theses for the 21st Century For Confessional Lutherans

Part-Time Pastors

Pietism - Past and Present

                - The Effects of the Age of Pietism on the Lutheran Church

                - Comparing Pietistic Conventicles to Modern Lutheran Small Groups


Revelation - Amen, Come, Lord Jesus

                      - Millennium

                      - Revelation 20: An Exegesis

Romans - Lectures on Romans

Sacrificial Giving

Seventh-Day Adventism - Its History and Doctrine

                                                - An Analysis of Adventism Arguments for a Seventh-Day Sabbath

Socialism in the Light of God's Word

The Age of Accountability - Its Human Sources and Its Denial of Scripture

The Bible Canon - Canonicity of the Bible in Roman Catholicism and Protestantism

                                 - How the Canonicity of the Bible Was Established

                                 - The Establishment of the Canon of Scripture

                                 - The Formation of the New Testament Canon

                                 - The Gnostic Gospels: A River of Lies

                                 - The Inspiration and Canon of Scripture

The Christian Cross

The Doctrinal Basis for the Formation of the CLC (Church of the Lutheran Confession)

The Gideons

The Glory of the Lord

The Image of God, Genesis 1

The Holy Ghost, His Person and His Work

The Lutheran Art of Dying

The Nature of Hell in Modern Christian Theology with special focus on the Teaching of Conditional Immortality

The Old Testament Sabbath and the New Testament Christian

The Rapture

The Religion of the Bible and of the Lodges

The Social Gospel and Quietism - A Proper Lutheran Response

The State of the Soul After Death

The Tithe

The Trinity - What Do We Mean When We Say There Are Three Persons in God?

The Word and Spirit in the Life of the Christian

Walther's Works: All Glory to God (Book Review)

What Happens to the Soul After Death?

What is Legalism?

  Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary - Essay Files